brand strategy

Undercover Billionaire story secrets

The star of Discovery Channel's new show, Undercover Billionaire, has 90 days to turn $100 into a company worth a million dollars. To me, the most impressive part is that he was able to talk several people into helping him - working their hearts out for free for months to help accomplish this goal - based solely on the story of his vision for his business and his determination. This episode explores how he was able to use his story to accomplish this and lessons you can use in your own business to get others on board and excited to work with you and partner with you.

The star of Discovery Channel's new show, Undercover Billionaire, has 90 days to turn $100 into a company worth a million dollars. To me, the most impressive part is that he was able to talk several people into helping him - working their hearts out for free for months to help accomplish this goal - based solely on the story of his vision for his business and his determination.

How to Improve SEO with Podcasts

With all of the dramatic changes to the Google algorithm, today's episode shares how to get better search results with podcasts.

Find out how to have a distinct brand voice to stand out, learn a pitch strategy to be a guest on other podcasts, and must-have supplements you need on your podcast.

With all of the dramatic changes to the Google algorithm, today's episode shares how to get better search results with podcasts. Find out how to have a distinct brand voice to stand out, learn a pitch strategy to be a guest on other podcasts, and must-have supplements you need on your podcast.